The set up is as follows...
Deceitful frames approach right angles to corner my artistic expressions, which are symbolized with non-verbal imagery…
Let’s be positive and note that the negatives paint several masterpieces of under-appreciated murals;1000 word constrictions confined behind the cameras lenz…
To capture such moments is meaningful by way of encirclement securely hanging in the balance, posing messages in various,inaudible forms.
Narratives depict description of each word to bring about areas of deflated perimeters lacking a stonewalling,defense mechanism...
Real time is now a visual memory transformed into stationary movements of recollection exalted into remnants as time is now the teller…
A photo can speculate, assume, or speak volumes without any vocalized opinions…
So without further ado, I share with you my jpeg. file; converted into a portrait awaiting and expecting criticism!